Tuesday, October 26, 2010


I am developing the skill of sitting or laying in the same position for a very long time and being comfortable doing jt. I usually think of myself as a fairly fidgety person, but since finding a comfortable position with no catheter pain is rare these days, when I find one I can stay stay still for a very long time. The discomfort of cramping muscles is still less than the sharp catheter pain. I'll take the lesser of two evils, please.


Emily said...

bravely, lad.

has anyone recommended phenazopyridine, over-the-counter brand name AZO? it's a dye that also numbs the urinary tract. i don't know if it would help with the spasms (i'm guessing not), but maybe it would help with the irritation? a client of mine got some relief from it when her catheter was driving her buggy.

NB: it'll turn your pee orange, and then your pee will stain anything it touches.

M said...

I really don't care what color it is as long as it works! Nope no recommendations from the docs yet, but I'm checking...

M said...

My Mayo Docs said give Azo a try, it can't hurt. I have some now and it seems slightly better, thanks! I have a feeling it will be *very* helpful after I get the thing out.

Wendy said...

Yay for AZO!

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