Monday, October 18, 2010

Negative, Partial Cystectomy

So we got done with Dr. Hunter a while ago. Good news: the random bladder biopsies came back negative, which means thatch cancer has not spread. (there is still cancer in the original cancerous area, of course). This means that Dr. Hunter has agreed to do the Partial Cystectomy, which means he'll take out a piece of the bladder and put it all back together again. If the biopsies had been *positive*, he would be removing the bladder altogether, creating a new "neobladder" from large intestine, and taking out the prostate completely. If you don't know what the prostate does already, do a little research into the function of the prostate and you'll be able to see why we men like to keep it if we're able.

To review: I'm doing the partial cystectomy, I get to keep the bladder and prostate. I'd definitely relieved.

I will need to undergo cystoscopies (a look into the bladder) every 3 months for 2 years.

Surgery will take 2 or 3 hours and I should be out of recovery by late Tuesday afternoon. Hopefully in time to groggily wait on hold with Hennepin County.

Total cost for today and tomorrow: $46,000.00. Total cost in the last 7 days: $66,745.


Wendy said...

Oh, Mike, this is great news! I'm so happy for you and your bladder and your prostate :)

I know there's more to do, but this is a huge step in the right direction!

Love & healing to you,

Kelly McCullough said...

Very glad to hear that the removing of bits can be kept to a minimum.

John Slade said...

Huzzah on the negative. That's the big thing.

And partial is wayyyy better than the big one.

Love and gingerly male hugs!


Anonymous said...

This is awesome! I am so happy for you. I'll be thinking of you all day tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Good news - hope all goes well tomorrow and that the frustration level of all the other madness can be kept to a tolerable level.

Anna Bliss

Deborah in MN said...

I'm so glad to hear this good news.

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