Monday, July 26, 2010

This Ain't no Fooling Around

Back from Chemo. It went well, no nausea at all at the moment, really feeling just fine except I'd like to take a nap, which I will shortly. The steroid will kick in tonight and make it hard to sleep, so I need to take advantage of it while I can.

Oh, and out if curiosity I asked the nurse for the cost for the Chemo: about $5,000 per round (thats for 2 days of treatments, bloodwork, chemo drugs, doctor and nurse time, etc) or between $15,000 ad $30,000 for the whole thing (3 to 6 rounds). When I go to MCHA for health insurance I will hit my yearly out of pocket max within my first visit of the round. That first visit will hurt (the $3,000 that I will personally pay) but all health care will be 100% covered afterward for the rest of the year. Health insurance: it's a necessary evil. My guess is that this cancer stuff will cost my insurance company $70k-100k just this year alone. Ouch. I'd better run for governor or something, since Minnesota is doing a lot for me. I feel like giving back.


Anonymous said...

" I'd better run for governor or something, since Minnesota is doing a lot for me. I feel like giving back."
If you could somehow manage to make Jesse Ventura shut the f*** up, that would be worth a lot. What a maroon.

He Who Must Not Yet, etc.

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