Sunday, August 28, 2011



Deborah in MN said...

Lovely! You're awake too, huh?

Anonymous said...

Hmm, insomniacs unite? I take it you are still at Abbot, want some company tomorrow? I can tell you all about Scotland and you can mock my awful new hair cut.


M said...

Yellow flowers and yellow ribbon for my ("officially" yellow-colored cancer, from Jen. She's the best! :)
@Deb I am, up every 2 hours to have them give me more pain meds (they make so crosseyed that I literally need to close one eye to be able to type this
On my phone' if you're around I could shuffle over and day Hi today!

@Rachel, sounds great, my guess is that I'll be In here until Monday evening at the earliest and I look forward to bearing about your Big dventure, etc!


Deborah in MN said...

I was awake every hour or two myself. I would feel wide awake cuz of the pain, then drop off suddenly, slow my breathing and wake up. They say it's the pain meds that slow my breathing, which is reassuring. But I need the meds right on schedule. I'm in CDART room 4.

Anonymous said...

Yellow flowers for a yellow cancer? Awesome. I'll stop by in a bit then. R

nihilix said...

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